• List of them for various gauges
    • 16mm full frame, anamorphic, various matting
    • ditto for other small gauges
    • large gauges?
    • Illustrations for each...
  • Aperture plates
  • Lenses
  • Masking
  • Determining correct aspect ratios for widescreen, etc.
    • Eyeballing and measuring
    • Educated guesses based on year, studio, country, etc
    • Caveat: there is no "correct," historically - so contentious!

35mm Exhibition Aspect Ratios

Gauge Aspect Ratio Other names Year of Introduction Notes
35mm 1.33:1 Silent / Full Frame 1907
35mm 1.19:1 Movietone 1926
35mm 1.37:1 Academy ratio 1932 Sometimes mistakenly called 1.33
35mm 1.66:1 1953 Warning: widescreen formats may be soft-matted
35mm 1.78:1 ?
35mm 1.85:1 Flat 1953 Warning: widescreen formats may be soft-matted
35mm 2.39:1 CinemaScope / Anamorphic 1953 CinemaScope aspect ratios vary.