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321 bytes added ,  30 March 2017
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* single blade shutters, two and three blade
* Counter-rotating shutters
* RE variable speed
* RE variable speed
* Other examples
* Other examples
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A shutter is a rotating device with a single blade or multiple blades used to interrupt the light source as film is pulled through the gate.  
A shutter is a rotating device with a single blade or multiple blades used to interrupt the light source as film is pulled through the gate.  
===Types of Shutters===
'''(some examples of projectors who use them)'''
* single blade ([[Kinoton]], [[Ernemann]])
* dual blade ([[Simplex XL)
* dual blade counter rotating-dual shutter ([[Century JJ]]
* 3 blade (often used for variable speed)
* 3 blade counter-rotating dual shutter
* 5 blade single (pretty rare, used for studio machines involved with [http://www.example.com telecine].
[[Category:Projector components]]
[[Category:Projector components]]

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